Ready to qualify for an interpreting job?
Become a certified interpreter.

Basic Overview of the Certification Process
Speak English + another language fluently
High school graduate or GED from any country
18 years old by the time the interpretation course is finished
Choose the Medical or Legal track
Register for the appropriate AccuLingua training and test prep course.
Complete the course.
Register for and take the certification exam.
Qualify for a job as an interpreter!
Medical Interpreting
There are two national certification boards for medical interpretation: the National Board of Certified Medical Interpreters (NBCMI) and the Certification Commission for Healthcare Interpreters (CCHI). Both boards require 40 hours of courses and an examination. The certification process prepares interpreters to be part of a patient’s healthcare team and identifies them as a healthcare professional.
AccuLingua’s curriculum is approved by the National Commission for Certifying Agencies (NCCA) and Commission for Medical Interpreter Education (CMIE). The curriculum prepares students for both the NBCMI and the CCHI exams.
Legal Interpreting
The court interpretation certification required by most state courts requires the completion of 80 hours of courses, a court internship, and an exam. The certification exam is governed by the National Center for State Courts (NCSC) and is administered locally by each state in the NCSC Consortium.
AccuLingua's court interpretation course is recognized in the 43 states that are members of the NCSC Consortium.
Upcoming & Recent Courses
- Every class is video recorded for students to view or watch at their own time.
- Participants who successfully finish each course receive a certificate of completion from AccuLingua Language Institute.
- Each course is taught in a Christian setting from a biblical worldview.
- Textbook is included with the cost of each class.
- Students save hundreds of dollars when registering during the "early bird" specials!
Training prepares participants to take the national certification exam for medical interpreters.
- Introduction to Medical Interpretation (20 hours): Interpretation Modes & Techniques, Roles of the Interpreter, Code of Ethics, Professional Development, Guided Practice, Learning Techniques
- Bilingual Medical Terminology (20 hours): Language of Medicine by Body Systems, Word Analysis (Greek/Latin), Pharmacological Terminology, Colloquial Terminology of Hispanic America, Latino Health Beliefs and Cultural Competency, American Healthcare Delivery System
- Introduction to Medicine for Interpreters (20 hours): Bilingual Human Anatomy & Physiology, Pathology & Treatment of Common Illnesses, Clinical Applications, Introduction to Mental Health
- Skill Building for Medical Interpreters (20 hours): Advanced Interpretation Skills, Advanced Guided Practice, Universal Precautions, Vicarious Trauma, Hospital Codes & Signage, Test-Taking Techniques, Mock Exam
Training prepares participants to take the state certification exam for court interpreters.
- Introduction to Court Interpretation (20 hours): Interpretation Modes & Techniques, Role of the Interpreter, Code of Ethics, Professional Development, Guided Practice, Learning Techniques, Basic Bilingual Legal Terminology, American English Idioms
- Bilingual Introduction to the Criminal & Civil Justice System (20 hours): American Criminal Justice System, Common Law vs. Roman Law, Burdens of Proof & Basic Rights, Civil Lawsuits, Advanced Bilingual Legal Terminology, Advanced Guided Practice, Test-Taking Techniques, Mock Exam
Training prepares participants to take the national certification exam for English to Spanish translation.
- Introduction to English-Spanish Translation - Level 1 (20 hours): Translation Theory, Translation Techniques & Processes, English Grammar, Guided Translation Exercies, Proofreading & Editing
- Introduction to English-Spanish Translation - Level 2 (20 hours): Translation Techniques & Processes, English Grammar & Composition, Guided Translation Exercies, Proofreading & Editing
- Intermediate English-Spanish Translation - Level 1 (20 hours): Intermediate Translation Techniques & Processes, Spanish Grammar & Composition, Guided Translation Exercises
- Intermediate English-Spanish Translation - Level 2 (20 hours): Intermediate Translation Techniques & Processes, Spanish Grammar & Composition, Localization, Guided Translation Exercises
- Advanced English-Spanish Translation - Level 1 (20 hours): Advanced Translation Techniques & Processes; General, Technical and Medical Translation; Guided Translation Exercises
- Advanced English-Spanish Translation - Level 2 (20 hours): Advanced Translation Techniques & Processes; Legal, Literary and Marketing Translation; Guided Translation Exercises
Training prepares participants to effectively interpret during church services.
- Introduction to Church Interpretation (20 hours): Interpretation Modes & Techniques, Role of the Interpreter, Code of Ethics, Professional Development, Guided Practice, Learning Techniques, Bilingual General Terminology
- Bilingual Introduction to Systematic Theology & Bible Geography (20 hours): Bilingual Bible Doctrines, Bilingual Geography of Bible Lands, Bilingual Biblical Terminology, Advanced Guided Practice, Final Exam
Training prepares participants to effectively communicate with the deaf community.
- American Sign Language for Beginners - Level 1 (15 hours): General Vocabulary, Five Parts of ASL< Classifiers, Phythm and Conceptual Thinking, Beginning ASL Reading, Deaf Culture
- American Sign Language for Beginners - Level 2 (15 hours): Intermediate Vocabulary, Intermediate ASL Reading, Basic ASL Interpretation, Simple Storytelling, Introduction to ASL Literature (poetry & music)
- American Sign Language for Beginners - Level 3 (15 hours): Advanced Vocabulary, Advanced ASL Reading, ASL Grammar & Syntax, Receptive Skills, Conversational ASL, Intermediate ASL Interpretation
AccuLingua courses and seminars meet CE standards for both NBCMI and CCHI re-certification requirements. Please check our schedule for upcoming trainings and events.
What People Are Saying About Us
I fully acknowledge that the courses that AccuLingua provided me with the skills and preparation that I needed to pass the CCHI/CHI certification exam. I have taken both the medical and legal-based curricula, and I consider this the cornerstone of my success as a professional interpreter. Dr. Gonzalez delivers a thorough program that allows students to actively participate and apply acquired knowledge in practical settings. In addition, he includes meaningful lecture to enhance personal growth and motivation. I would not have accomplished my professional goals without experiencing this unique, affordable, and real-world program.
–Maria Johnson, Certified Spanish Medical Interpreter at Prisma Health